City Things
Tuesday, 28 June 2016: 16.18 - 17.10

Why would you stop and look at this? I suppose simply because it’s there.

Cities are full of plants that love to spend their time hanging around in wooden boxes.

Cities are full of highly charged containers that do not like being opened up and poked around in.

Cities are full of bossy cylinders that never tire of shouting about all the wonderful things coming our way.

Cities are full of frozen monsters—well not real monsters as these guys are quite friendly when you get to know them. Of course getting to know them is the difficult part…

Cities are full of small buildings that were dropped into place in the middle of the night. The neighbourhood woke up and said: “Hey, do we know you?” The new house laughed and said: “Of course you do. You just can’t remember… at… this… particular… momement…”

Cities are full of faces that stare out at the world forever. They don’t even blink.

Cities are full of items that stick out of horizontal surfaces. A porcupine has nothing on cities when it comes to sticking-out bits and pieces!

Cities are full of gangs of really useful objects. They wait around, day in-day out, until someone comes along and says: “Hey, I’ve got a job for you!”

Cities are full of plants and flowers that make you stop and wonder how on earth they got to be the way they are.

Cities are full of flowers that make you contemplate the design session in which colours were chosen.

Cities are full of signs and instructions. Some tell us where to go and how to get there, while others use words and diagrams to inform us of all the things we’ve decided we are not allowed to do.

Cities are full of hungry mouths that consume everything* we no longer want. *naturally this depends on the size of the no longer wanted object.

Cities are full of little red wagons that refuse to tell you what they’ve been up to the night before. I’m not accusing any of them of mischief, as such. But I do hear things—in the bars and under the bridges…

Cities are full of flowers hanging around in places that flowers should not visit. Just imagine if those flowers were yours: would you want them mingling with the roughest, toughest, most cutthroat citizens in town?

Cities are full of boxes for people to sit in all day. The best boxes are those with a constant stream of customers. The worst boxes are the ones that keep you disconnected from everyone else.

Cities are full of patiently waiting seats and benches.

Cities are full of dangerous objects that must be kept in cages. Remember what happened last year when a herd of dustbins escaped and attacked the ice cream parlour?

Cities are full of people who obviously came across a witch or wizard having a very bad day. The usual procedure is to pretend you have not seen the witch/wizard, turn around and run—if you do not wish to be turned into stone.

Cities are simply full of all manner of bits and pieces, made by people we’ll never see.