Eye Party - part 1
Wednesday, 3 August 2016: 14.27 - 14.47
This city has so many ‘favourite places’. Van Dijk & Ko is one of them. Some places are so full of things to look at, I spend most of my time trying to choose what not to look at. It’s easier said than done in a store like this.

The first thing to grab me is the sheer abundance of objects that still allow you to look at them and understand how they were made.

Go in with an open mind and a leave with a vast imagination filled savannah inside your head.

This is also the place you go to when studying what objects get up to in the middle of the night; you know, when they think no one’s around…

A garment waits patiently for the piano player’s arrival. Like the lady, he has no head—which makes finding the piano just a bit harder than it should be.

The objects in this particular enclosure are magnetic. It’s impossible to pass by without stopping to take a long long look.

My theory about this piece involves a bunch of synthetic creatures looking (very desperately) for their missing winning lottery ticket…

Of course this picture is not alive; at least not according to most of what we’ve been taught. On the other hand, if Cousin Moosey isn’t alive how come her eyes follow me around the room?

We still don’t understand why it happened, but something put the dogs into a terrible mood. Things got ugly pretty fast, which left Jack and Jill with no choice but to run up onto the roof.
Jill is blindfolded because she cannot bear to see what Jack is about to do with his revolver.

The invasion of the Green Babies was as surprising as it was shocking. Surprising, because green was not a colour usually associated with babies. Shocking, because the babies had not come from Mars—as claimed by the tabloid media; their parents were regular, non-green human beings.

Every Wednesday afternoon the family pets cuddled together and listened to their favourite radio show: Metal Mash Fifteen. The top fifteen metal hits of the week screamed out of the stereo speakers. And yes, the dial was turned all the way up to eleven.

Getting woollen dolls to sit still long enough to pose for a photograph is a recognised art form. I confess: I did lose my temper after twenty-three and a half minutes of chasing them around the room. Fortunately the threat of a couple of extremely hot rounds in the washing machine—shrinkage guaranteed—soon calmed them down.

Some dolls are heavily into mind control. Fortunately my training at the Academy gave me the skills and tools to counter any brain-zapping attempts.

The Iron Knights, what can we say but: “We told you so”? And we did warn them about attacking Sir Sticky-Metal’s Magnetic Castle while wearing cast iron armour. And it didn't matter that they bought their gear from Sugar Plum Fairy Metalworks. Iron is iron, and magnets are magnets…

The Red Champion was a prize winning wrestler and Kung Fu master rolled into one very red athlete. His colour was a result of eating a Mount Olympus apple. The mountains cats told him not to: “Dude? Not the best of plans to munch on those apples. Gods only man. Oops! Too late. Shouldn’t have done that...”

A worst case scenario. A rabbit gets caught with a bowl of cherries. The farmer isn’t happy and demands an explanation. Bear in mind she’s holding an incredibly sharp knife in her right hand. The next scene happened too quickly for the camera shutter. The rabbit let go of the bowl—which remained suspended in midair—and split. We’re looking at Road Runner levels of acceleration.

The party was already in full swing by the time I arrived. The drinks crazy, the dancing wild… Nice.

Zonzo the Great was known for his phenomenal disappearing mug. Elephants, tractors, flocks of geese, and uncountable other items (living and inanimate) had vanished into his enamel mug.
One afternoon, Zonzo the Great attempted to write a new chapter in the History of Onstage Magic. He climbed into his mug with every intention of coming back out.
This photograph was taken seconds before Zonzo the Great disappeared forever.

Where have those flowers been? Where are they going to live next?

The Fluffy Bear Posse’s sole mission was to make sure the kid’s were all right.
Don’t be fooled by the fluffiness: these bears are true Ninja Defenders.

This is Cow Boi, who has excellent legal credentials. I’m sure you remember the State vs Bugs Bunny, or The Bureau’s attempted indictment of Tom, Jerry and Foghorn Leghorn. Trumped up charges—every one of them. And who stepped in and led these fine gentlemen out of the slammer? Cow Boi. She’s a legend.

Madame LaRouge traded her 900 inch flatscreen TV for a window to look out of. And, for the first time in all the years she had lived there, Madame LaRouge got to know her neighbourhood.

Cedric was the first of the bees to trade his legs in for a set of wheels. “Landing on flowers is a bit tricky.” He explained, “But on the other hand I do have tremendous road speed.”

This week’s lesson in the Advanced Packaging class deals with the bottling of myths, dreams, and other forms of warm air.

Acme Robotics created its original mechanical budgie in 1942. In the years since more than 87 million of the robot birds have been produced and sold. The most popular model (shown here) is the Budget Budgie 919.

Mini-horses locked up in glass cabinets? Unfair? Cruel? Nothing could be further from the truth: those horses are kept locked up for our own protection. Last month they escaped for an hour and left a 7 kilometre long trail of panic and confusion.

Vladimir was commissioned to create a good, wholesome “...family piece...” for the Good Living Society. Unfortunately, somewhere between a brief relationship with mind altering substances and a severe head cold, this happened. The GLS board members were not impressed.